The Humane Society of Granville County

The Humane Society of Granville County (HSGC) Pet Food Pantry Program. This program is intended to help Granville County residents in need to keep their pets in their homes rather than be forced to surrender them into the shelter system. Food is donated and we cannot guarantee supply nor brand nor that it will be enough to feed your pet through the month until the next pantry. At times, other supplies such as canned food, treats, bedding, toys, bowls, leashes, etc... are distributed. This is random and dependent upon what is donated.
In order to qualify, you MUST show proof of financial need. This can be any ONE of the following:
Medicaid card (for adult, not child)
WIC or SNAP card/coupon (with current date)
Social Security Income (for adult, not child) note: Social Security Income is not a qualification unless it is your only income. (Provide a copy of last year’s tax return; SSI declaration letter and copies of SSI checks are not sufficient).
EBT (food stamp) card with photo ID.
IRS Form 1040 (Not w-2 or pay stub) showing income levels less than:
1 person household - $22,590
2 person household - $30,660
3 person household - $38,730
4 person household - $48,600
5 person household - $54,870
HSGC reserves the right to limit the number of recipients per year to 60 families and you must re-register each fall. HSGC requires that pets receiving aid through this program have current rabies vaccination and MUST be spayed/neutered (proof must be provided within 60 days of registration). HSGC has info and can aid families for low cost spay & neuter. We distribute HSGC Spay/Neuter Granville Vouchers to Pantry recipients before the general public. Failure to comply will cause the loss of your enrollment.
Pantry distributes through a partnership with Bullock's UMC on the third Sunday monthly, barring inclement weather. Cars line up along Bullock's Church Road (its a dirt road parallel to US Hwy 15) beginning at 11:30 and distribution starts at noon and runs until 1PM. Those who line up before Church Services have let out will be asked to leave - we have this location through the generosity of the congregation and lining up and blocking their parking will not be tolerated.